Ride better on the betting race with

EnDura enables you to  take informed decisions that will allow you to better perform predictions on your MTB betting ride. EnDura analyses riders’ performance and the impact of race and weather conditions.


Project Overview

The heart of professional female mountain biking beats with a combination of physical prowess and technical mastery, yielding paradigm-shifting results. A rich background of attributes within the world of female mountain biking piques our collective curiosity and underscores the need for a platform that can measure and visualize these distinctive traits. EnDura steps into this void, offering a comprehensive solution tailored to recreational bettors looking for an edge in their wagering endeavors.



The project aims to empower recreational bettors with a user-friendly, data-driven platform, simultaneously supporting the visibility of professional female mountain biking. This tool bridges the gap between bettors and the sport, promoting informed decision-making and deeper appreciation.
The app must effectively simplify complex data for users while avoiding overwhelming them, meeting the unique demands of recreational bettors who desire accessible yet in-depth insights into female mountain biking races.
EnDura's impact is twofold: it empowers bettors and contributes to the growth of female mountain biking by enhancing understanding and engagement. The app has the potential to elevate the sport's profile and set a precedent for similar platforms in other niche sports, extending its influence beyond its initial scope.
EnDura addresses these challenges by presenting visually understandable data, making comprehensive information about riders, races, and weather accessible. This solution enhances decision-making while fostering greater engagement with female mountain biking.



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For those who dare to embark on the exhilarating journey of cross-country track betting, possessing a technical edge is paramount to success. Making well-informed decisions about race outcomes requires access to comprehensive and interactive information. EnDura is a dynamic platform that not only unveils the intricacies of competitors but also factors in weather conditions and the distinctive characteristics of each racecourse, facilitating direct one-on-one comparisons.

EnDura is an app that harnesses various variables from mountain bike (MTB) riders and contextual data to generate precise race predictions, presenting them in easily digestible charts. It’s a tracking interface loaded with features that empower bettors to make more accurate predictions, enhancing their chances of winning big.

Persona & Problem Statement

Our user persona, an avid recreational bettor with a past in MTB riding, faces challenges due to a lack of accessible information and the risk of losing money. They aim to support female sports while enhancing their betting experience. Their frustrations are the high risk of losing money and the challenging access to understandable information.Their goals include supporting female sports and betting with a system.

Before using the EnDura app, the user goes into the betting ride with a lot of hope, but the lack of clarity overwhelms them and they decide to just take a blind shot and this leads to the most likely result of them failing and losing money. We could say, this bad experience killed their betting career.
From the afterlife, the ghost of the bettor’s career however still haunts their living person and wonders about how they could have made things differently. They need a tool to overcome the lack of knowledge and in the best case, if they would have a new chance, be successful.

The Concept and the Optimised Journey

The core concept of EnDura is to serve as a guiding tool for bettors, preventing them from stumbling into uncertainty and aiding them in making informed decisions that lead to success. It is like a jumping ramp, allowing the user to leap over the pitfall of uncertainty. But how to achieve this? Data emerges as the linchpin of our strategy. Data, when presented in a visually understandable format, becomes a potent asset. EnDura enables users to access comprehensive information about riders, races, and weather conditions seamlessly. This empowers bettors to make informed decisions without the overwhelming complexity that often plagues the world of sports betting.

The Prototyping Race and Obstacle Dodging

The first part of the race

The first stop of the race was the lo-fi prototype and there we found a plan with an overview of how the IA was concretely going to work graphically. A roadmap. This roadmap showed us the way to the next stations, in which different tools were going to be waiting for us and help us reach the end of the race. On we went into the next stop: the mid-fi prototype, where heuristics, usability tests awaited us. This stop was situated in an elevated position with a privileged viewpoint from where we could see the finish line: our MVP. Now came a fast and easy slope down. In the next stop, the moodboard awaited us and we did just a small pause to test it. The moodboard worked so we went on and rushed by the brand attributes and style tile, until we got to the landing page. It was a concise and inviting teaser of the MVP waiting at the end of the ride.

The final push

So from here we went on and immediately found ourselves at the bottom of the final climb: the hi-fi prototype. The climb started steep and challenging. Making our design pleasing and readable proved to be like riding on sandy terrain. We struggled quite a bit and it demanded a lot of dedication to get the first screen right. We realised that it would take more iterations than expected to get the technique right for this information-rich dashboard app native to the iOS. Adapting to iOS while finding the sweet spot between a sober design and an understandable dashboard was simply a challenging learning curve to ride. However, we kept pedalling and making slow progress, and trusting the process. And then, barely noticeable at first, but ever clearer after a while, the climb began to be less and less steep and we got traction for the last metres. Until finally, tired and happy for such a beautiful ride, we reached the MVP. It was a cosy place, albeit nothing too luxurious with great features just as we had envisioned when we started the ride.

Main features of the MVP

  • The Home screen provides an overview of the upcoming race, the riders and the weather conditions. Your saved favorites also appear here.
  • The navigation bar shows the three main sections of the app, riders, races, and weather as well as the home screen and the settings.
  • The Riders section shows a list of riders with relevant stats, and from here the user can go into the profile of any specific rider and see their performance traits.
  • The Races section first shows the upcoming race with its most relevant information such as race format, terrain type and a map. From here, the user can either dive deeper into the race’s details, or look for other races.
  • The Weather section first shows a weather forecast overview with the most relevant, yet general facts. In the Details part, there is a more specific forecast about the different race sections depending on factors like elevation and time of the day.
  • Progressive disclosure allows the user to first get an overview of a section before diving deeper into specific stats.
  • The EnDura context influence toggle allows the user to see riders rating with or without the influence a specific race and the weather have on them.

Key learnings and next steps

  • Information hierarchy is crucial in order to determine the necessary features of an MVP. It is a smart move to invest some extra time in the early steps of the project into having this cleared out in order to know what to prioritise especially in such an information-rich project as a dashboard app.
  • An intuitive navigation as well as progressive disclosure are very important in order not to overwhelm the user.
  • An overview of a rider’s stats and a feature that compares the different riders in an easily comprehensible way will further allow the user to be better informed in order to make decisions.
  • The project will be delivered to the web developing cohort and it will possibly be programmed.

Take a look at the functional prototype here:


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‘’All I can say that, Robin is a phenomenal designer. The wavelength at which he thinks is astoundaing. I love the focus, passion and attention to detial in the design.’’
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